Face Swelling: Increase of cognitive awareness, comprehension and the reduction of cranial swelling

Face Swelling: Increase of cognitive awareness, comprehension and the reduction of cranial swelling

I notice a direct correlation with the increase of cognitive awareness/comprehension and the reduction of cranial swelling and vice versa.

The lower the cranial swelling the greater the opening of the eye lids by default, in theory, the longer duration in this state, the more information gathered, the less repeated data the visual cortex needs, the smaller the pupils dilate.


This frees the brain to be able to easily seek out new data and comprehend it at a faster rate, leading to accelerated understanding/cross referencing.


In our current day, most have swollen craniums and are not identifying it, since we compare one to another. Let us compare ourselves to the facial swelling of the generations prior.


With the increase consumption of non-native chemical combinations, as a defense, our body has defaulted to an inflammatory response.


Thereby, pulling necessary resources from the enhancement of cognitive functions into dampening of the destruction caused by these chemicals. As a response, the face will swell, the body will swell, the eyelids will be partially open, the pupils will be more dilated, the skin will show signs of pigmentation, and the mouth will be dry periodically. Constipation usually occurs in the state.


Once the swelling has resided, an uptick in awareness will occur leading into sharper angles in the face and body without the accompaniment of exertion or extracurricular activities i.e. exercise.


As an observer in reality, the truest greatest achievement would be to comprehend and experience more of reality itself. The reduction of the inflammatory state, will lead to greater bouts of experiencing reality.


If you would like more information on this, then get the Guide.

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